Steve Amor's
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June-September 2007 Durango Capital Inc., Vancouver, B.C.
Position: Exploration Manager (Contract Position) Photos
- Managing grassroots helicopter-supported Cu-Au exploration project in northwestern British Columbia
- Supervising 4 geology students, 2-3 local employees
- Field-based, remote location, arduous terrain.
January 2002-June 2007 Working Outside The Mining Industry
May 1997-January 2002 Self-Employed
Position: Consulting Geochemist Photos
Assignments included the following:
- Soil orientation survey in northern Manitoba, using proprietary partial digestion techniques (Enzyme Leach®, TerraSol®), 2001. Photos
- Interpreted regional overburden multielement geochemical data, and carried out follow-up overburden, humus and lake-water field programs, Nunavut, 2000. Developed cost-saving method of estimating provenance of glacial sediment samples based on multi-element analysis. Photos
- Designed and coded QA application program for commercial geochemical lab, 2001 (program accepts or rejects duplicate analyses dependent on external or internally-derived criteria). Co-designed QA programs for diamond-drilling program in Zambia, and for multi-media geochemical program in Mali. Work for last project was carried out on site (1997).
- Interpreted multielement data from Guyana, Ghana, Mali, Mongolia, Northwestern Ontario, Manitoba (MMI® Interpretation), Peru and Alaska (1997-1999). Identified relationship between observed stream characteristics and multielement sediment composition and used it to quantify and filter out effects of aeolian interference in arid regions (Mongolia)
- Presented modules “Data Presentation and Interpretation Requirements for Geochemical Exploration” at professional development workshop, Queen’s University, March 2000. Co-presented short course “Practical Application of Exploration Geochemistry” at PDAC Convention, 1998
January 1996-May 1997 Blue Ribbon Resources, Vancouver, BC
Position: Project Manager, Suriname Photos
Responsible to Company President for the following:
- Designing, budgeting, supervising and participating in all aspects of company's Suriname exploration program
- Property acquisition
- Supervision of up to 6 geologists, up to 50 local employees
December 1994-December 1995 Self-Employed
Position: Consulting Geochemist Photos
Assignments as follows:
- Soil/saprolite mapping program, and soil geochemical interpretation, in Kilometre 88 district, Venezuela
- Evaluation and exploration of properties in Uruguay
- Geochemical Specialist, Wells-Barkerville District, Wells, BC
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August-December 1994 Canarc Resource Corp, Vancouver, BC
Position: Chief Geochemist, Guiana Shield Photos
- Carried out Orientation Surveys and studied soil/landscape profiles on Canarc's properties in Suriname, Guyana and Venezuela
- Compiled manual of guidelines for geochemical exploration in the Guiana Shield
- Translated technical reports from Spanish to English
- Made critical evaluations of commercial geochemical and assay labs in the region
1993-August 1994 Canarc Resource Corp
Position: Chief Geologist for Suriname (Project Geologist, Nov-Dec 1993) Photos
- Planned, budgeted, supervised and implemented exploration projects in Suriname, and consulted to the company's operations elsewhere
- Trained indigenous soil-sampling crews to collect appropriate sample material and record relevant field observations
- Designed and inaugurated exploration program for Sara Kreek property, and interpreted results thereof, which led to discovery of "Wild Parrot", "DP" and "EB" gold occurrences
- Evaluated property submissions
- Drafted contracts and established salary and labour codes, recruitment procedures, and other administrative and technical protocols
1990-1993 Le Groupe Minier SIDAM Inc., Kingston, Jamaica
Attached to Jamaican Geological Survey Division, monitored by Geological Survey of Canada
Position: Project Geologist (Deputized for Project Manager) Photos
- Planned, supervised and executed various exploration projects, including fieldwork and core logging, mostly with strong geochemical and/or computer component, and interpreted results
- Discovered "6X" gold occurrence south of Port Antonio Abstract & Map and evidence of a massive-sulphide system elsewhere in the Blue
Mountains Maps
- Conducted study of temporal variation in stream-sediment composition
Abstract & Diagrams
- Wrote press releases and Ministerial briefings, and co-designed Publicity Brochure to promote exploration investment in Jamaica
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1989-1990 SA Geochemical Services, Lynn Lake, Manitoba, Canada
Position: Consulting Geochemist (self-employed)
- Contracted by Manitoba Mineral Resources Ltd. to log, sample and interpret Sonic overburden drillcore at three properties in northern Manitoba
1984-1989 Sherritt Gordon Mines Ltd./ LynnGold Resources Inc., Lynn Lake, Manitoba
Position: Chief Geochemist (Consulting Geochemist, 1981-1983) Photos
- Conducted multi-media geochemical programs on gold and base-metal properties in central Canada
- Evaluated new geochemical techniques
- Advised geologists on sampling and interpretational procedures
- Wrote software
- Supervised field crews and contract drillers
- Edited reports for other staff members
- Advised other departments on statistical matters
1984 University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
Position: Lecturer (part-time), Fall Semester
- Set up, lectured and examined a first-year course in Physical Geology for external students in Lynn Lake
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1979-1983 Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Position: Graduate Teaching Assistant (part-time)
- Set up, demonstrated and marked lab exercises in Geology for Engineers, Field Methods, Mineral Deposits, Ore Petrology and Exploration Geochemistry.
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1977-1979 General Mining and Finance Corporation, Johannesburg, South Africa
Position: Field Geologist Photos
- Mapping, rock and soil sampling, percussion-drill and diamond-drill supervision and logging, and plane-table surveying. Explored for chrysotile asbestos, tin, uranium, fluorite and base metals in the Barberton Greenstone Belt and Bushveld Complex.
1974-1977 African Selection Trust Exploration, Johannesburg, South Africa
Position: Field Geologist (Student Geologist, June-September 1973)
- Mapping, stream-sediment and soil sampling, magnetometer surveys, percussion-drill and diamond-drill supervision and logging, and plane-table surveying. Explored for base-metals in the Namaqua-Natal Mobile Belt and the Barberton Greenstone Belt
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